
It’s time to talk TICKS!

It’s been a long cold winter, but warmer weather is just around the corner (finally!)Our parasite prevention strategies have cahnged, and we strongly recommend starting tick control earlier this year.  Last year we saw ticks from early March until late December.  Ticks can start to “bloom” as soon as the temperature reaches 4*C. In the […]

Xylitol not as “sweet” as it claims

Xylitol is a very popular sugar substitute.  It is seen most commonly in sugarless gum, toothpaste and certain types of peanut butter. For humans, Xylitol is safe BUT it is toxic to our dogs.  (At this time it has not been reported to be toxic to cats). In dogs, low doses of Xylitol can cause […]

It’s time to talk TICKS!

It’s been a long cold winter, but warmer weather is just around the corner (finally!)Our parasite prevention strategies have cahnged, and we strongly recommend starting tick control earlier this year.  Last year we saw ticks from early March until late December.  Ticks can start to “bloom” as soon as the temperature reaches 4*C. In the […]

Harlow’s Journey

Late October 2020, while giving our 2 year old boy neck scratches, we found 2 lumps. I instantly knew it was his lymph nodes and my heart sank. We were seen the next day by Dr. Jennifer Newhouse who tried to help us stay optimistic yet realistic, listing the other possibilities for such a young […]